With contributions from top scholars in the field, this cutting-edge Handbook critically examines the effects of glocalisation on various subdisciplines of the humanities and social sciences. Broad and innovative, it provides a fresh take on the different forms of the glocal in contemporary culture.
Using engaging case studies, humanities scholars examine how glocalisation has impacted archaeology, art, literature, philosophy, law and food; social science experts discuss the impact on tourism, religion, urban studies, criminology, education and sports. Forward-thinking, the volume engages with new developments in media and communication, considering how technological innovation, digitisation and the mediatised world affect interrelations in consumer culture. It concludes with an examination of new research frontiers, considering translocality, world science theory, and post-colonialism to expand the field by developing original approaches and suggesting new directions for research.
Featuring practical insights from a wide range of disciplines, this Handbook is invaluable for students and scholars across the humanities and social sciences. It will also benefit policy makers within cultural domains concerned with glocalisation.
With contributions from top scholars in the field, this cutting-edge Handbook critically examines the effects of glocalisation on various subdisciplines of the humanities and social sciences. Broad and innovative, it provides a fresh take on the different forms of the glocal in contemporary culture.
Using engaging case studies, humanities scholars examine how glocalisation has impacted archaeology, art, literature, philosophy, law and food; social science experts discuss the impact on tourism, religion, urban studies, criminology, education and sports. Forward-thinking, the volume engages with new developments in media and communication, considering how technological innovation, digitisation and the mediatised world affect interrelations in consumer culture. It concludes with an examination of new research frontiers, considering translocality, world science theory, and post-colonialism to expand the field by developing original approaches and suggesting new directions for research.
Featuring practical insights from a wide range of disciplines, this Handbook is invaluable for students and scholars across the humanities and social sciences. It will also benefit policy makers within cultural domains concerned with glocalisation.
1 Culture and glocalization: an introduction 1
Victor Roudometof and Ugo Dessì
Humanities 27
2 From bronzization to ‘world system’: globalization and
across the globe (2000 bce–1500 ce) 28
Matthew Adam Cobb
3 Weaving literary narratives: world literature and its glocal
moment 45
Sandhya Rao Mehta
4 The universal and the individual, the global and the local:
diverse debts and duties 61
Bruce B. Janz
5 Law and glocalization 76
Salvatore Mancuso
6 Cosmos from the global south: from glocal to decolonial
perspectives on art 92
Nikos Papastergiadis
7 Food and glocalization 105
Franciscu Sedda and Simona Stano
Social sciences 122
8 Glocalization and tourism experiences 123
Joelle Soulard and Noel B. Salazar
9 Glocalization and the religious field 138
Ugo Dessì
10 Glocalization, the city and variegated age-friendly urbanism:
studies of Hong Kong and Taiwan 156
Sun Yi, Tzu-Yuan Stessa Chao and Jia Ling
11 Glocalization and crime: not just a question of variable
geometry 171
Gema Varona Martinez
12 Glocal education: theories, research and implications 186
Jean-Francois Emmanuel, Claire Ramsey and Nowfal Samkari
13 Glocal sports 200
Habibul Haque Khondker
Communication and media 216
14 Digital glocalization 217
Barrie Axford
15 Glocalizing cultures and organizations: a humanistic, complex
multiparadigmatic model 235
Fabrizio Maimone
16 From globalization to glocalization: configuring Korean pop
culture to
meet glocal demands 256
Ingyu Oh & Wonho Jang
17 The glocalization of films and the cinema industry 272
Bala A. Musa
18 Glocalization and news production 289
Jonathan Ilan
19 Glocalization processes and new centrifugal dynamics in the
international entertainment landscape: the Netflix Case in Italy
Paolo Sigismondi and Giovanni Ciofalo
New research frontiers 321
20 Translocality and glocalization: a conceptual exploration
Victor Roudometof and Nico Carpentier
21 World society theory and glocalization: culture between
transnationality, structuration, rationalization and actorhood
Ravit Mizrahi-Shtelman and Gili S. Drori
22 The challenges of methodology in a glocal world 354
Giampietro Gobo
23 Unpacking youth cosmo-cultures: global pop culture and the
of its Korean glocalization 371
Vincenzo Cicchelli and Sylvie Octobre
24 Glocalization and the post/decolonial perspectives: a critical
dialogue 386
Viviane Riegel
Edited by Victor N. Roudometof, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, Ugo Dessì, Department of Religious Studies, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
‘This Handbook is a comprehensive guide to glocalization, in themes
(archeology to digital turn), regions (across the world) and
theoretically, a valuable resource.’
*Jan Nederveen Pieterse, University of California, Santa Barbara,
‘The Handbook of Culture and Glocalization is a must-read for those
interested in the phenomenon of glocalization and cultural
adaptation. At the macro level, the volume is important to
understand the role of technologies, news production,
translocality, and citizenship in modern society. At the micro
level, readers will appreciate the significance and meaningfulness
of phenomena such as glocal sports, cinema, literature, and art.
Taken as a whole, the Handbook is breaking so much new ground that
it will become indispensable for both academics and practitioners
*Jonathan Matusitz, University of Central Florida, US*
‘This massive and erudite collection is the first systematic
attempt to situate crucial glocalization dynamics within a broader
cultural context ranging from media and communication to law,
education, sports, and much more. Cutting across academic
disciplines and geographic regions, the contributors engage the
central cultural themes of our unsettled age in an intellectual
tour de force that should not be missed by any serious student of
*Manfred B. Steger, University of Hawaii-Manoa, US and Western
Sydney University, Australia*
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