Foreword; About the authors; Acknowledgements; How to use this textbook; ; Historical skills toolkit; Reading skills; Visual literacy skills; Writing skills; Speaking skills; ; Chapter 1 Overview, the making of the modern world; Industrial Revolution ; Movement of peoples; European imperial expansion; Economic, social and political ideas; ; DEPTH STUDY 1 MAKING A BETTER WORLD?; ; Chapter 2 The Industrial Revolution (1750╨1914); Causes of the Industrial Revolution, society and innovation; Population movement and settlement; Experiences of ordinary men, women and children; Impact of the Industrial Revolution; ; Chapter 3 Movement of peoples (1750╨1901); Influence of the Industrial Revolution; Era of mass migration; Changes in the way of life; ; Chapter 4 Progressive ideas and movements (1750╨1918); Emergence of key ideas ; Reasons for the emergence and development of key ideas; Egalitarianism, a key progressive idea; ; DEPTH STUDY 2 AUSTRALIA AND ASIA; ; Chapter 5 Making a nation; Extension of settlement and contact; Experiences of non-Europeans in Australia; Australian self-government and democracy; Legislation 1901-1914; ; Chapter 6 Asia and the world; China; Japan; India; Indonesia; ; DEPTH STUDY 3 WORLD WAR I ; ; Chapter 7 World War I (1914╨1918); Causes of World War I; Where Australians fought and the nature of warfare; War on the home front; War's end, commemoration and creating a legend; ; Glossary; Index;
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