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Machine Tool Practices
International Edition

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Paperback, 816 pages
United States, 5 August 2009

This classic book features a richly illustrated, intensely visual treatment of basic machine tool technology and related subjects, including measurement and tools, reading drawings, mechanical hardware, hand tools, metallurgy, and the essentials of CNC. Covering introductory through advanced topics, Machine Tool Practices is formatted so that it may be used in a traditional lab-lecture program or a self-paced program. The book is divided into major sections that contain many instructional units. Each unit contains listed objectives, self tests with answers, and boxed material covering shop tips, safety, and new technologies. In this updated edition there are over 600 new photos and 1,500 revised line drawings!

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Product Description

This classic book features a richly illustrated, intensely visual treatment of basic machine tool technology and related subjects, including measurement and tools, reading drawings, mechanical hardware, hand tools, metallurgy, and the essentials of CNC. Covering introductory through advanced topics, Machine Tool Practices is formatted so that it may be used in a traditional lab-lecture program or a self-paced program. The book is divided into major sections that contain many instructional units. Each unit contains listed objectives, self tests with answers, and boxed material covering shop tips, safety, and new technologies. In this updated edition there are over 600 new photos and 1,500 revised line drawings!

Product Details
27.5 x 21.4 x 3 centimetres (1.61 kg)

Table of Contents



Unit 1    Shop Safety 

Unit 2    Mechanical Hardware 

Unit 3    Reading Drawings 



Hand Tools

Unit 1    Arbor and Shop Presses

Unit 2    Work-Holding and Hand Tools

Unit 3    Hacksaws 

Unit 4     Files

Unit 5     Hand Reamers 

Unit 6     Identification and Uses of Taps 

Unit 7     Tapping Procedures 

Unit 8     Thread-Cutting Dies and Their Uses 

Unit 9     Off-Hand Grinding 



Dimensional Measurement 

Unit 1     Systems of Measurement

Unit 2     Using Steel Rules

Unit 3     Using Vernier, Dial, and Digital Instruments for Direct Measurements 

Unit 4     Using Micrometer Instruments 

Unit 5     Using Comparison Measuring Instruments 

Unit 6     Using Gage Blocks

Unit 7     Using Angular Measuring Instruments

Unit 8     Tolerances, Fits, Geometric Dimensions, and Statistical Process Control




Unit 1     Selection and Identification of Steels 

Unit 2     Selection and Identification of Nonferrous Metals

Unit 3     Hardening, Case Hardening, and Tempering 

Unit 4     Annealing, Normalizing, and Stress Relieving  

Unit 5     Rockwell and Brinell Hardness Testers 




Unit 1     Basic Semiprecision Layout Practice 

Unit 2     Basic Precision Layout Practice 



Preparation for Machining Operations

Unit 1     Machinability and Chip Formation

Unit 2     Speeds and Feeds for Machine Tools 

Unit 3     Cutting Fluids

Unit 4     Using Carbides and Other Tool Materials>



Sawing Machines

Unit 1     Using Reciprocating and Horizontal Band Cutoff Machines

Unit 2     Abrasive and Cold Saws

Unit 3     Preparing to Use the Vertical Band Machine 

Unit 4     Using the Vertical Band Machine 



Drilling Machines

Unit 1     The Drill Press

Unit 2     Drilling Tools

Unit 3     Hand Grinding of Drills on the Pedestal Grinder

Unit 4     Operating Drilling Machines

Unit 5     Countersinking and Counterboring 

Unit 6     Reaming in the Drill Press



Turning Machines

Unit 1     The Engine Lathe

Unit 2     Toolholders and Toolholding for the Lathe

Unit 3     Cutting Tools for the Lathe 

Unit 4     Lathe Spindle Tooling 

Unit 5     Operating the Machine Controls 

Unit 6     Facing and Center Drilling

Unit 7     Turning between Centers

Unit 8     Alignment of the Lathe Centers 

Unit 9     Other Lathe Operations  

Unit 10       Sixty-Degree Thread Information and Calculations

Unit 11       Cutting Unified External Threads

Unit 12       Cutting Unified Internal Threads 

Unit 13       Cutting Tapers

Unit 14       Using Steady and Follower Rests

Unit 15       Additional Thread Forms

Unit 16       Cutting Acme Threads on the Lathe 



Vertical Milling Machines

Unit 1 Vertical Spindle Milling Machines 

Unit 2 Cutting Tools and Cutter Holders for the Vertical Milling Machine

Unit 3 Setups on the Vertical Milling Machine

Unit 4 Vertical Milling Machine Operations

Unit 5 Using the Offset Boring Head



Horizontal Spindle Milling Machines

Unit 1 Horizontal Spindle Milling Machines

Unit 2 Types of Spindles, Arbors, and Adapters 

Unit 3 Arbor-Driven Milling Cutters

Unit 4 Work-Holding Methods and Standard Setups

Unit 5 Machine Setup and Plain Milling 

Unit 6 Using Side Milling Cutters

Unit 7 Using Face Milling Cutters on the Horizontal Milling Machine



Grinding and Abrasive Machining Processes

Unit 1     Selection and Identification of Grinding  Wheels

Unit 2     Truing, Dressing, and Balancing of Grinding Wheels

Unit 3     Grinding Fluids

Unit 4     Horizontal Spindle Reciprocating Table Surface Grinders

Unit 5     Work Holding on the Surface Grinder

Unit 6     Using the Surface Grinder 

Unit 7     Problems and Solutions in Surface Grinding 

Unit 8     Center-Type Cylindrical Grinders 

Unit 9     Using the Cylindrical Grinder

Unit 10       Universal Tool and Cutter Grinder



Computer Numerical Control and Other Advanced Machining Processes

Unit 1     CNC Machine Tool Programmable Axes and Position Dimensioning Systems

Unit 2     CNC Programming

Unit 3     CNC Tooling 

Unit 4     Other Advanced Machining Processes


Appendix 1    Answers to Self-Tests 

Appendix 2    General Tables

Table 1      Decimal Equivalents of Fractional Inches 

Table 2      Inch/Metric Conversion Table

Table 3      Tap Drill Sizes

Table 4      Metric Tap Drill Sizes  

Table 5A    Tapers 

Table 5B    Tapers and Angles  

Table 6      General Measurements 

Table 7A    Density or Specific Gravity of Metals and Alloys 

Table 7B    Approximate Melting Points of Metals and Various Substances  

Table 8      Right-Triangle Solution Formulas 

Table 9      Wire Gages and Metric Equivalents 

Table 10     Cutting Speeds for Commonly Used Materials 

Table 10A      Feeds for High-Speed Steel End Mills 

Table 10B      Coolants and Cutting Oils Used for General Machining 

About the Author

Richard R. Kibbe served his apprenticeship in the shipbuilding industry and was graduated as a journeyman marine machinist. He holds an Associate in Arts degree in applied arts from Yuba Community College with an emphasis in machine tool technology. He also holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the California State University with an emphasis in machine tool manufacturing technology.


Mr. Kibbe has considerable job machine shop experience as well as community college and industrial teaching experience and is the author and co-author of several publications in the chain tool manufacturing field.


Roland O. Meyer spent the first 20 years of his career in the metal-working industry as a tool and die maker, machinist and worked in machine design and manufacturing. He completed his apprenticeship as a tool and die maker at Siemens in Germany and continued there as a journeyman building progressive punching dies.


He then worked in die shops in Toronto and Windsor, Canada before moving to Chicago employed as a gage maker at Ford Motor Company. Following this stint, he was in charge of the US army machine shops in Korea and Italy for five years. When he returned to the US, he worked in a manufacturing company designing and building experimental machines used in the timber and plywood industry. He next entered academia and became the lead instructor at Lane Community College’s Manufacturing Technology program in Eugene, Oregon, where he taught for 25 years. As CNC became the new method in machining, he developed a CNC curriculum and program. When CAM (Computer Aided Machining) became available he also developed a state of the art CAM program with the assistance of a local software company.



John E. Neely grew up in the Pacific Northwest and entered the Army to serve in World War II. The life John E. Neely is characterized by hard work, a variety of successes, and mentoring many others who became a part of his life.


Over the years Mr. Neely provided himself with a broad education and professional training through reading, a correspondence course in mechanical engineering, and good use of opportunities throughout his career. He became a master machinist, a mechanical engineer, a hydraulic engineer, and eventually an instructor at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon.


During his time as instructor he collaborated with others to develop highly successful course materials based on the individualized instruction approach. He and his collaborators wrote and had published several textbooks based on those materials. Those books continue to be in use nationally and internationally. After the death of his wife, he moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado, in April 2000 to be with his son and his family. There, for the three years until his death, he enjoyed the company of family and friends.



Warren White apprenticed as an Optical Instrument Maker with Land-Air, Inc. After military service with the Army Air Defense Board he obtained a graduate degree in Psychology at Clark University. His interest in both learning theory and machine tools led to employment at Foothill College in the Engineering Department.

Warren White initiated the Machine Tool Technology program at De Anza College after an extensive survey of Silicon Valley manufacturing firms.  He was the Director of a California State-funded program to develop an Individualized Machinist Curriculum in conjunction with several California Community Colleges and Lane Community College in Oregon. He also initiated the California Community Colleges’ Multimediamobile which operated between several California Community Colleges to develop individualized instructional media in several technical disciplines.


He was the lead author and editor forMachine Tools and Machining Practices Volumes I and II published by John Wiley and Sons. He later taught Industrial Engineering classes at San Jose State University. He is certified by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers as a Manufacturing Engineer. After retiring from teaching he did voluntary Assistive Technology work with the Easter Seal Society in Santa Cruz, California, in a special program sponsored by IBM. He returned to work as a Quality Engineer for Seagate Technology, and obtained certification as a Quality Auditor. He started Seagate Technology on the path to achieving ISO 9001 certification.

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