In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the end of World War 2 in Europe, the Center for Romanian Studies organised an international conference on 'Romania and World War II' in Iasi from 25-26 May 1995. The conference was organised with help from the County Board of Iasi and the Romanian Foundation for Humanitarian Assistance 'Michael the Brave'. The conference, held at the historic Palace of Culture in Iasi, united scholars from Romania, the United States, England, and Holland. It provided an opportunity for these distinguished specialists in the history of Romania and World War 2 to present the latest results of their research, especially in light of the recent opening of many archives in the former communist bloc countries. This volume includes papers based on the communications delivered at the conference. As both Romanian and English were used at the conference, the articles are published in the language in which they were prepared by their author. Fifteen in Romanian and six in English.
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the end of World War 2 in Europe, the Center for Romanian Studies organised an international conference on 'Romania and World War II' in Iasi from 25-26 May 1995. The conference was organised with help from the County Board of Iasi and the Romanian Foundation for Humanitarian Assistance 'Michael the Brave'. The conference, held at the historic Palace of Culture in Iasi, united scholars from Romania, the United States, England, and Holland. It provided an opportunity for these distinguished specialists in the history of Romania and World War 2 to present the latest results of their research, especially in light of the recent opening of many archives in the former communist bloc countries. This volume includes papers based on the communications delivered at the conference. As both Romanian and English were used at the conference, the articles are published in the language in which they were prepared by their author. Fifteen in Romanian and six in English.
Contents/Cuprins Foreword 7 Cuvânt înainte 8 Charles King, The Moldovan ASSR on the Eve of the War: Cultural Policy in 1930s Transnistria 9 Kurt W. Treptow, Alegerile din decembrie 1937 şi instaurarea dictaturii regale 36 Emilian Bold, Pactul Ribbentrop-Molotov fapte şi ecouri imediate 46 Ion Şişcanu, Negocierile româno-sovietice de la Moscova privind traseul frontierei în Bucovina, 1940 61 Nicholas M. Nagy-Talavera, Reminiscenses of Iorga’s Murderer: Traian Boeru 71 Ion Agrigoroaiei, Cu privire la intrarea României în al doilea război mondial 79 Larry L. Watts, Incompatible Alliances: Small States of Central Europe during World War II 86 Gheorghe I. Florescu, Intrarea României în al doilea război mondial şi presa românească a timpului 105 Florin Constantiniu, Un episod puţin cunoscut al relaţiilor româno-sovietice (1941) 131 Wim P. van Meurs, Rumanian Expansionism beyond the Dniester 136 Anatol Petrencu, Problema evreilor din Basarabia (1941-1942) 150 Veaceslav Stavilă, Economia Basarabiei în anii celui de-al doilea război mondial: românizare si alogenizare 163 Ioan Saizu, Europa economică în faţa marii conflagraţii 170 Cristian Sandache, Unele consideraţii privind temele discursului oficial în regimul antonescian 202 Dumitru Șandru, Refugiaţii basarabeni, bucovineni şi sovietici în România (1944-1948) 214 Ioan Ciupercă, Capitularea necondiţionată — problemă controversată a celui de-al doilea război mondial 242 Mihai Retegan, The End of the War in Europe: Consequences for the States of Central and Eastern Europe, A Comparative Study 251 Valeriu Florin Dobrinescu, Unele consideraţii privind intrarea României în războiul naţiunilor unite (1944-1945) 257 Gheorghe Onişoru, Uniunea Sovietică şi România: de la 1944 la 1947 270 Laurenţiu Panaite, Periodizarea celui de-al doilea război mondial: criteriul tehnic 282 Paul E. Michelson, Recent American Historiography on Romania and the Second World War 287
Dr Kurt W Treptow is the Director of The Center of Romanian Studies.
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