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Venture into Viticulture
An Introduction to the Principles and Practices of Viviculture

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Paperback, 162 pages
Australia, 1 January 1998

An introduction to the principles and practices of viticulture. "Venture into Viticulture" covers all the basics of wine grape growing; providing information on vineyard establishment, irrigation, pruning, trellising, soil management, nutrition, weed control, pests and diseases of grapevines, harvesting wine grapes, and vine improvement. The book is a product of Tom Crossen's some 25 years spent in the Australian and New Zealand viticulture industries.

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Product Description

An introduction to the principles and practices of viticulture. "Venture into Viticulture" covers all the basics of wine grape growing; providing information on vineyard establishment, irrigation, pruning, trellising, soil management, nutrition, weed control, pests and diseases of grapevines, harvesting wine grapes, and vine improvement. The book is a product of Tom Crossen's some 25 years spent in the Australian and New Zealand viticulture industries.

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b/w photos & illus
17.5 x 25 centimetres (0.46 kg)

About the Author

Tom Crossen

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