Principles of Wound Healing
Wound healing journey
Healable vs non-healable wounds
Traumatic wounds
Surgical wounds
Malignant wounds
Skin integrity issues
Conditions affecting the lower limbs
Management of the diabetic foot
Indigenous and tropical wounds
How to individualise your wound management plan
Kerrie Coleman is a Nurse Practitioner in wound management and was involved in setting up the Skin Integrity Service at the Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital. Kerrie has approximately 30 years' experience in wound management and has worked primarily in tertiary hospitals in NSW and Qld. She manages an outpatient wound clinic, provides inpatient consultations and is a resource for the local health service district and across Queensland. She has completed a Masters in Wound Care and NP Chronic Disease and is a PhD candidate in wound care. In 2016 Kerrie was awarded the Ian McFarlane Award for nursing excellence in clinical education and clinical practice. Glo Nielsen is a former nursing lecturer at Central Queensland University working with undergraduate and diploma nursing students. Her experience commencing in the 1970s spans surgical nursing and working in tertiary, regional, and aged care settings within Australia. This practice is delivered in diverse settings and meets environmental and patient needs. As an educator undertaking her PhD in wound care, Glo knows that clinicians need to be armed with practical skills, and effective, holistic wound care must respond to evidence based practice. This practice can be challenging and must meet environmental and patient needs.
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