CONCEIVING THE SEED OF CHUCKY, Jennifer Tilly's Diary, Family Legacy, Don Mancini - Director/Writer; Tony Gardner - Puppet Master, Emotional Parents, Don Mancini - Director/Writer; Jennifer Tilly - Star, Slashed Scene with Audio Commentary by Director Don Mancini and Debbie Carrington, Theatrical Trailer, HERE'S CHUCKY, FuZion Up Close mun2 with The Seed of Chucky Stars, Teaser Trailer, Clips & Hightlights - Jennifer Tilly on The Tonight Show
DTS 5.1 Surround - English, Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround - English
After Child's Play 2...3...then Bride of Chucky i was so happy this was going to end. They killed the franchise and ruined Chucky's good name. I went to see this with a free preview screening and i went in with LOW LOW expectations. I was pleasantly suprised. It was very very funny...Jennifer Tilly does a good job as Tiffany and as herself Jennifer. Do NOT go into this movie looking for a scary movie because they don't even try to make it scary. It is a pure comedy movie and it is a very good one at that. It is worth the $9.50 or $10.00 to see it. I enjoyed it...
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