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Entre mémoire et pouvoir ­[French]
L'espace syrien sous les derniers Omeyyades et les premiers Abbassides (v. 72-193/692-809) (Islamic History and Civilization)

Hardback, 572 pages
Netherlands, 1 November 2010

Dans une perspective d'histoire de la mémoire et d'histoire des sens, cet ouvrage offre une nouvelle approche de l'espace syrien du 2e/8e siècle, mettant en lumière les projets historiographiques omeyyades et abbassides et leurs pratiques du pouvoir.

In a perspective of history of memory and history of the meanings, this book offers a fresh approach of the 2nd/8th century Syrian space, revealing Umayyad and Abbasid historiographical projects, as well as their practices of power.

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Product Description

Dans une perspective d'histoire de la mémoire et d'histoire des sens, cet ouvrage offre une nouvelle approche de l'espace syrien du 2e/8e siècle, mettant en lumière les projets historiographiques omeyyades et abbassides et leurs pratiques du pouvoir.

In a perspective of history of memory and history of the meanings, this book offers a fresh approach of the 2nd/8th century Syrian space, revealing Umayyad and Abbasid historiographical projects, as well as their practices of power.

Product Details
24.6 x 16.5 x 3.6 centimetres (1.13 kg)

About the Author

Antoine Borrut, docteur en histoire (2007), Université de Paris I-La Sorbonne, est professeur assistant à l'Université du Maryland, où il enseigne l'histoire de l'Islam médiéval. Il est l'auteur de plusieurs articles portant sur l'histoire et l'historiographie des premiers siècles de l'islam et a co-édité, avec Paul M. Cobb, un volume intitulé Umayyad Legacies. Medieval Memories from Syria to Spain (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2010).

Antoine Borrut, Ph.D. (2007) in History, Université de Paris I-La Sorbonne, is Assistant Professor of Islamic History at the University of Maryland. He is the author of several articles dealing with early Islamic history and historiography and has co-edited with Paul M. Cobb a volume entitled Umayyad Legacies. Medieval Memories from Syria to Spain (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2010).


Winner of the 21st World Book Award of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2014.
Winner of the Syrian Studies Association Prize for the best book 2013.

"The sophistication and originality of Borrut's approach to source analysis makes his book an important contribution not only to our knowledge of Umayyad history, but also to the reflection on late Antique/early medieval historiography in general. [..] This is the first time since 2001 that an SSA prize is awarded to a study of a pre-Ottoman issue, and as far as we know, the first time ever it is awarded to a piece of research on the Umayyad Empire." – Thomas Pierret, University of Edinburgh - IMES, Prize Committee Chair, in: Syrian Studies Association Bulletin, Vol 18, No 2 (2013).
"Il n’en demeure pas moins que l’ouvrage d’Antoine Borrut qui témoigne d’une vaste erudition et d’une attention constante aux débats de la recherché contemporaine, ce qu’atteste une imposante bibliographie, deviendra sans doute, à juste raison, un classique des études sur la Syrie du second siècle de l’hégire." – Viviane Comerro, in: Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques 28 (2012).
"This book is a welcome addition to the growing literature on the Umayyad period. It will certainly provoke additional discussions of the second/eighth century, as well as the later historiography that shaped our vision of the Umayyad era." – Steven C. Judd, in: Journal of the American Oriental Society 133.3 (2013).
"...engaging and deeply intelligent book [...]" – Matthew Gordon, in: Al-Masaq. Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean 2013.

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