Results for "Serena Olsaretti"
Serena Olsaretti
26 results
Dryzek, John S (Professor of Social and Political Theory, Austra, Honig, Bonnie (Professor of Political Science, Northwestern Univ, Anne Phillips
Dryzek, John S (Professor of Social and Political Theory, Austra, Honig, Bonnie (Professor of Political Science, Northwestern Univ, Anne Phillips
$64.65 Elsewhere $80.95 Save $16.30 (20%)
Wolff, Jonathan (Professor of Philosophy, University College, Lo, de-Shalit, Avner (Professor of Democracy and Human Rights, Hebre
Wolff, Jonathan (Professor of Philosophy, University College, Lo, de-Shalit, Avner (Professor of Democracy and Human Rights, Hebre
$59.97 Elsewhere $82.95 Save $22.98 (28%)